
Restaurante Page Project

This is a project that is created to apply the knowledge acquired about DOM, JavaScript Classes and ES6 Modules , that compound the JavaScript Course of the curriculum of The Odin Project.

To see the project in action click at View in Browser.

Obs.: To run the project locally, after clone it, you’ll need to have NodeJs version 8.12.0 or greater installed and run the follow commands inside the folder of the project:

Before the first execution:

npm install

after that run:

If you want to run at development enviroment execute

npm run build

that it’s going run the Webpack bundler (that it’s configured to run with the –watch option, that makes it monitoring the changes in the files of the project and rebuild it). To stop press ctrl+c or correspondent combination of you system.

If you want just see the project in action execute the follow command:

npx webpack

that it’ll build the project generating it inside the folder called dist.

Obs.: To see the final result load the index.html inside the dist in a browser.